at Queen's Engineering, you always had to take anther course from a different faculty to be "well rounded". 

There were some standard basket weaving courses that most took and used as a free A+...

between me not being so organized and having different interests I took a few weird ones and some were pretty hard.

me and bensch separately signed up for "Tape Music Composition" in 1983. It was a Music Faculty course. The idea was that the reel to reel tape deck could be thought of as an instrument... every week we were given an assignment to write and record a song using various techniques we had learned.

The recording studio was quite sophisticated, lots of recording, synths, all kinds of crap. Me and Peter used to book it early Sunday mornings. We'd basically jam all morning and capture two recordings and hand them in.

For our final assignment, we asked if we could do a duet. We also playe dthis song "live" at a concert!

"Los Alamos" featuring Scott and Peter. Uses the trademarked "superecho" effect.

los alamos.mp3


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